Levi Video- 5 Days Old

Levi is only awake 2-3 hours a day, but when he is, he's super cute... here he is at 5 days old on his changing table. I love this video because:

1. You can see that Levi has the hiccups... this is something he did several times a day in the womb and has continued outside the womb, as well. It doesn't seem to phase him, but it can hinder his nursing, which is just a wee bit frustrating for everyone involved.

2. You can see how little Levi is when you see him in comparison to Matt's hand.

3. You can see his little bald spot... Levi has hair on the sides and back of his head, but the top just has a little fuzz on it.

4. It has Levi in it and he's pretty wonderful... and the sneeze at the end is pretty cute, too.


Lara Child  – (June 28, 2010 at 9:01 AM)  

What a sweetheart!!! I like Matt's variety of camera angles, very nice. Sounds like Levi is taking after "Auntie LarLa" in the hiccup department! (although his are much cuter than mine)

mama celoni  – (June 29, 2010 at 9:24 AM)  

What a sweet, beautiful baby. Didn't think he could get any cuter did ya!!! He is tiny - but that is a good thing. I understand about the umbilical cord thingee. I think if you looked in Kim's baby book, you might find one!
Love ya all,
Mama Celoni

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