Two Weeks Old
>> Wednesday, June 30, 2010 –
We've had Levi for two weeks now and we've all survived!! We're all tired (except Levi), but we're making it through the craziness of having a newborn.
Levi did a great job at his 2 week appointment this week. At this point they want babies gaining an ounce a day, and Levi is literally gaining an ounce a day. His jaundice is looking great and his doctor was super impressed with his demeanor- as of now, he is extrememly content and rarely fusses. His doctor was also amazed with how strong he is; Levi showed off how he can roll onto his side so easily (he's also demonstrating his uber-strength by scooting backwards out of his new sleep positioner)... she thinks we have a little gymnast on our hands.
Now that Levi is 2 weeks old, Matt has to go back to work. I am so sad about this; it's been wonderful having him home to bond with his son. Luckily, Levi's Mamo is coming in town for the rest of the week and then Matt will have a 3-day weekend to spend with us. And then I guess we get used to this new type of "normal".
Pictures soon :)