38 Weeks
>> Wednesday, June 9, 2010 –
In short:
I am still only 1cm dilated. The baby has not dropped. I am not effaced or anything that would indicate that he is looking to make a timely exit of my uterus. Like everything else, it seems like baby boy is on his own schedule. I, however, will continue to walk for miles-a-day, bounce for hours on my birth ball, and do whatever it takes to get this nugget out of my belly and into my arms. It is turning into a battle of wills and I am determined to win.
Eat spicy food, pineapple, and drink raspberry leaf tea. Found this too: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/labourandbirth/planningyourbabysbirth/naturalbringonlabour/
Come on Baby Franck!