Baby Shower

About two weeks ago, our new friends in Palo Alto hosted a little baby shower for us!! It was so thoughtful of everyone. Besides my parents who flew out for the party, the guests were from our OAG (One Another Group) at church. They've been so welcoming and generous towards us; we feel like we landed in a really good place out here. Anyway, we had a blast and took a ton of photos... and it only took us 2 weeks to pull it all together!!

Our friends, Mikee and Jo hosted the shower at their home and they were all sorts of creative with the entire thing. One of our favorite things about this shower was that it was co-ed, so there was a fun mix of humor and conversation. They planned awesome games, too- many of which are pictured below. And the food... SO good!

Anyway, on to the photos...

Invitees were asked to bring something to put in a time capsule box that our son gets to open when he's 21. There were all sorts of great ideas: a memory stick, fashion and computer magazines, a twinkie, etc. The trick, of course, is that we have to keep track of this box for 21 years... but we're thinking the smell of the twinkie will tip us off... Here we are with his box-o-goodies, which is now on the top shelf of his closet.

Diaper Bag Design: The group was split into 2, and each team was instructed to design and make (out of a paper bag, newspaper, and other random things, no less) a diaper bag that we could take to the beach- we asked for cup holders. We were super excited for this one because (nearly) everyone in Silicon Valley shares the same skill-set (think engineer-smart-science people, aka NOT AMY).

Team A (Steve, Adelene, Qianwen, Vicky, Mamo (aka my mom). with their beautiful creation- notice the umbrella, perfect for the beach!

Team B (Lauren, Pam, Jane, Greg, Jen, and Papa (aka, my dad) with their beautiful creation, "The iBag"- notice Jane modeling the bag with the awesome "BF" (aka: Baby Franck) monogram. They graciously allowed my dad in the team photo... he played to his strengths during this event by opting out of it.

Debating... decisions, decisions...

Team B is the winner!! I think it was tested and guaranteed 500 pound weight limit :) For what it's worth, we are actually going to test each of these at the beach this summer.

Somehow we didn't get a picture of everyone- I was convinced we did. But it was a great time with a really fun group. Thanks for helping us get ready for our little boy, and thanks for hosting, Mikee and Jo!!

Jo  – (June 7, 2010 at 11:42 AM)  

we had loads of fun!!! cant wait for the big arrival!

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