Levi Thomas Franck

He's finally here!! Today we welcomed our son Levi Thomas Franck. He is absolutely amazing- we just adore him! Here are some highlights from the labor/delivery process...

We arrived at the hospital at 7:30pm on Tuesday night. The plan was to start the induction that night. To do this by first "ripening" the cervix, which takes about 12 hours...

June 15th, 38 weeks and 6 days pregnant... we were beyond ready to meet our son!

After they started the "cervical ripening", I started having lots of cramping which is to be expected. But after about 3 hours of laying on my side with my eyes closed in pain, they decided to check how I was progressing. Low and behold, I was actually having contractions and had dilated to a 3 and my cervix was perfectly ripe- no 12 hours of ripening for me! The stopped that drug and gave me my epidural (which was beyond amazing). They let me continue contracting without any meds and by 6am I was dilated to 4. Around 7am, they started Pitocin and my body continued to progress quickly. At 10:45am I was in a lot of discomfort and made Matt get the doctor. Turns out I was fully dilated and could start pushing. I started pushing at 11:15 am and at 11:44am, we finally met Levi...

Levi finally graced us with his presence. He was peaceful from the start- just a few quick cries. He weighed 7.5 pounds and was 19.5 inches long.

Here Levi is in the nursery getting all cleaned up. He latched on to the first thing he could get his hands on (it's the wire to his temperature monitor)

First bath in the nursery!! He was not a fan...

What a clean, beautiful baby boy!

Look how tall he is (actually, he measured right about average, 19.5 inches)

The windows to Levi's soul

Time for his first outfit, he gave himself a little scratch on the face but nothing too bad.

Snug as a bug. He has been so peaceful so far... I hope he stays this way!

Rolling around in style... you can't walk holding your baby because it's a liability. They don't want you to trip and fall and sue the hospital. So, he has a little crib cart in which to roll around.

A very proud daddy- Levi adores Matt

Clinging to his mommy right after a feeding. One of my favorite things to do so far is burp him after he eats.

So that's it from here. Levi is sleeping right now and he's making some sweet sounds. He's a good, but slower eater and just the most precious little thing. We adore our little guy! We leave the hospital on Friday around noon and then we'll introduce Levi to his big sisters, Hula and Gerdy, which will be a whole new adventure in and of itself...

Lizzy  – (June 17, 2010 at 12:49 AM)  

He is absolutely beautiful!! I am so thrilled for you both! I'm sure the challenges you have faced made this day all that much sweeter. Enjoy this special time as new family!

Kim  – (June 17, 2010 at 8:35 AM)  

Oh I can't wait to meet him!!

Lara Child  – (June 17, 2010 at 9:17 AM)  

Such a gorgeous, handsome young man! Congratulations, brand new parents!

Samuel Sutter  – (June 17, 2010 at 10:20 AM)  

This is awesome... so happy for u guys!!!

Hilary  – (June 17, 2010 at 11:14 AM)  
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Hilary  – (June 17, 2010 at 11:15 AM)  

Amy and Matt -- he's gorgeous and handsome and PERFECT!! Congratulations!!

Jean  – (June 17, 2010 at 3:34 PM)  

Ahhh! So exciting!! He is precious and just perfect!! Many congrats! :)

Julie  – (June 19, 2010 at 12:20 AM)  

so exciting! so amazing! congrats!

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