A Few New Things
Some fun, new things have appeared around the Franck home...
Since baby boy was conceived in a petri dish just off of Park Ave (not to mention that we miss our NY friends terribly), we couldn't resist this book... must give credit where credit is due.
We thought the puppies deserved a little treat, and since they love enclosed spaces (and we stumbled upon this between ice cream cones at Ikea), they got their own little tent, complete with fuzzy blanket. Sadly, they aren't as impressed with it as they should be, but we're going to keep trying.
Roses!! Matt nearly gutted these bushes a few weeks ago, not knowing that beautiful roses would eventually bloom. Our procrastination has finally paid off :)
These are A-MAZ-ING. Our "comfort techniques for labor" class showed us how to use these... just keep them in the fridge, lay over a chair, and have your awesome husband roll this on your back like a rolling pin. Baby Boy has done a number to my lower spine/tailbone already... it feels like a bruise when touched. But after a few days of the Arizona-rolling-pin technique, my back feels so much better; I'm trying to figure out how many times a day I can ask Matt to do this without him hating me. I'm sure they taste delicious, too. And yes James, you can also do this with a large beer can.
So that's it from here... we have an 8-hour "Child Birth Prep" class next week in which we watch a birthing video. Should make for an interesting car ride home...
8 hours? Good lord - I hope they provide lunch. Great tip with the AZ drink cans - and a yummy drink, too! I miss those...
I like the dog house as well. It's very Moroccan. Can dogs eat hummus?