
Highlights from past week:

2 Visits to Labor-and-Delivery: Don't worry; everything's fine. The pain I get in my side is from when they removed my left fallopian tube when we had the ectopic pregnancy. Apparently it didn't heal quite right, which is why I double-over in pain when Baby Boy kicks it. And for what it's worth, the reason I go into L/D so much (only 4 times so far) is because my doctor's clinic doesn't take appointments after 20 weeks unless it's for a routine thing... so if you call to check on something and they have any concern, you get sent straight to L/D. It's actually great; I get right in and get checked right away. And plus it's fun to meet the nurses that will be there when I finally give birth!

Baby Boy Turned Head-Down: Since the head is the heaviest part of the body (and from our last measurement it looks like he's inherited Matt's giant cranium, so I'm thinking super-heavy in our case), he's likely to stay this way and hopefully not become breech. I had been starting to panic that he would never turn; he's always had his head on the right side and his legs on the left. There is a breech position where the baby folds in half and comes out butt-first, effectively making his grand entrance into the world by mooning everyone... it's called the "Frank" position- I thought we were doomed.

Graduation from Childbirth Prep: Our class included several birth videos; I wanted to vomit. I know it's natural and miraculous and important for many women to see. However, it's equally important for some women NOT to see. I am one such woman. It's so disgusting, especially the placenta; and, it's not like seeing someone else give birth is going to change how I give birth- it's just going to terrify me. We have 5-8 weeks until he arrives, so hopefully I'll get those horrific images out of my head before it's my turn. And, I'll be so doped up from the epidural that I plan on not feeling a thing!

Med-School Mentor: Since I'm giving birth at a teaching hospital, I get a lot of face time with residents and interns (and top-notch doctors). I found out at my last appointment that we qualify to "mentor" a first-year med student through the final part of pregnancy. Essentially, the hope is that they learn what pregnancy is like from the mom's point-of-view; I sure part of it is that they really want the students to see how crazy moms-to-be can be before they decide to go into OB. I'm all over stuff like this. We've had amazing doctors and crappy doctors, so I'll do anything I can to encourage a doctor-to-be to actually be patient focused. Anyway, I met our little student, Sarah, and she's super cute and nice. And, she loves babies, has tons of nannying experience, and is doing her summer research project on artificial reproductive technology so we're a perfect fit. I'm thinking we may have found a babysitter, as well...

Pictures soon, I promise. I'm huge.

Sally  – (May 2, 2010 at 9:38 PM)  

1- I am glad you are OK
2- I look forward to seeing a picture of your belly
3- I can't believe you had to watch that video. I never did:P yuck. The good thing is that it is not humanly possible for your body to bend in a way that you would see all of that happening during the birth. So you can just leave that for the Drs. ha, ha. I am assuming this means you will not be bringing a video camera into the delivery room:)

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