Four Months
>> Tuesday, October 19, 2010 –
Levi turned 4-months old this past weekend! I can't believe his first year is already 33.3% done. Where on earth has the time gone?
Levi passed his 4-month check-up with flying colors on Friday! He was 14 pounds and 25.25 inches. He's a bit below 50% for weight, a bit above 50% for height, and still hanging out around the 25% for head size. Levi is surpassing nearly ALL of the 4-month milestones, which means we have a little genius on our hands :)
It's amazing how quickly babies change and grow at this age. It seems like Levi acquires a new skill everyday (wish I could say the same). Just look at how coordinated he's become:
You can see that Levi has said "good-bye" to the pacifier and "hello I love you let's get married" to his thumb. While I was a bit bummed at this (because weaning off of a thumb is harder than weaning off of a paci) it's actually really nice that he can self-soothe in the middle of the night when he wakes up. Even better is that Levi is nearly all done waking up in the middle of the night! It's hit-or-miss at this point, but we are no longer feeding the little guy and he's falling back asleep easier and easier every night.