It's Franck-tastic

We spent the weekend visiting with Matt's entire family! Everyone flew down to meet our little man. Levi slept 99% of the time, but he still loved meeting everyone.

Gramma Kim with Levi. He loved all of cuddle time with Gramma- they spent a few hours just hanging out together.

Grandpa Jim with his second grandchild, who is also his second grandson. Levi was the 7th Franck boy born in a row- he was also the smallest!

Levi with Uncle John and Aunt Julie... possibly contemplating another?? Their son, Jackson, now has a boy cousin on each side of his family... lucky him!

Matt and I also got to meet James' girlfriend, Amanda, this weekend- I think she may have held Levi the most :)

Levi with James- he's a little excited. Since the day Levi was born, he's had this line above his nose... he'll furrow his brow, look all concerned, and get this deep line between his eyes (you can see it in his picture with grandpa). I had no idea where he got it, but it turns out it's a Franck gene- James has the same line!

Levi with Uncle Richard... it's always fun to see young guys hold newborns- you'd think they were holding a bomb. Right after Matt took this picture, Richard passed Levi right back and said, "here you go".

Jackson!! Our nephew was such a trooper this weekend! Gerdy ADORED him and he kindly put up with all of her chasing and jumping. It was great to see him; we learned that he currently loves swimming, balls, berries, and rocks. Oh to be a toddler again...

Thanks for visiting!!

Lara Child  – (July 13, 2010 at 4:58 AM)  

I also enjoy those things, especially swimming and berries...

LOVE Levi in that picture with Kim, all curled up! Is that his RL polo onesie? Very cute!

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