29 Weeks

Well, we are 29 weeks into the pregnancy; he'll be full-term in 8 weeks and due in only 11!!

Today's check-up was pretty uneventful... everything looks great! He's measuring right on track, his heart-rate is dropping (which is good because that means he growing), and my doctor made my day by saying that I have the "pregnant glow". They checked my thumb (which I nearly sliced off while chopping an apple Monday night), and they said it's healing well- no infection so far. All-in-all, it was pretty boring.

However, there was an exciting doctor appt today... Hula had to go to the vet.

Does this look like the face of a sick dog?? Apparently, it is.

Hula has yeast infections in both ears and a nipple. Seriously. She also has some bad allergies- they think to her food, but they can't change it because she is on a special diet for her bladder stones, which is more important to prevent than allergies. SO, the solution seems to be:

- Antibiotic injection
- Steriod/antihistamine pill for 2 weeks
- Antibiotic ear wash and drops for 2 weeks
- A regular, daily dose of antihistamines and a fatty acid supplement after the meds
- Cortisone injections up to 6 times a year (we are going to try and avoid these)

I can't believe Hula has so much discomfort and is still such a happy dog. We've known for awhile that she just sucks-up whatever pain/discomfort she has (anyone remember the massive bladder stones episode from November??), but even the vet was shocked that Hula was so cheerful when her skin was so irritated.

Oh, and apparently Hula's gained 1/4 of a pound so they suggested low-fat peanut butter for giving her pills. Whatever... I think she deserves the real deal.

Lara Child  – (April 9, 2010 at 8:53 AM)  

Poor Princess Hula! Hope she gets better soon

Sally  – (May 2, 2010 at 9:33 PM)  

Low fat peanut butter! ha, ha How is that going for Hula?

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