First Prescription

Levi is officially drugged up... sorta. After a week of completely losing it during his feedings (and Monday where he refused all but one feeding), we went to the doctor to figure out what was wrong. It turns out our little man has silent reflux.

Instead of the spitting-up-type-of-reflux that most babies get, silent refluxers don't really spit up very much; they just swallow the stomach acid back down essentially burning the esophagus both ways- poor Levi!! Luckily, he was only in pain while eating; otherwise he is his normal, content, sweet self.

So, the doctor gave a prescription for baby zantac and told us to just "burp the shit out of him". This we can do. I'm also feeding Levi a little differently and this seems to be doing wonders for him. They also encouraged us to use a pacifier (which we already do) to help him keep the acid down. His last few feedings have been so much better- it makes such a difference when he's happy and content while feeding instead of red and frustrated.

Not only does Levi have his first prescription, he also has his first problem with medical insurance. Despite registering our little man and receiving several envelopes of confirmation paperwork, our insurance company is claiming they have no record that Levi exists. I have a bag of dirty diapers sitting by the door that proves otherwise, but apparently that doesn't count. What would the first month of life be without having to sit on hold with Blue Shield to explain that I, in fact, had a baby and that's why we registered his existence weeks ago... and here he is!!

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